I speculate here on the organizational topology of central control of the Syndicate. These speculations are based on readings of history, sacred writings, and personal considerations and intuitions.
First of all, I suspect a rather tight "ring topology" at the inner level. There exists, I believe, a small group of men who operate in close coordination with each other, essentially as a kind of selected privy council. Given the remarkable cohesion of the Underworld throughout history, I suspect that there is a religious element that applies tight rules that bind this structure together. I suspect the use of sacred numbers (such as 7,10,12, and the like), and probably very tight binding oaths that secure the mutual relations between these men, which serve to protect them from each other. I think that the nature of their consciousness allows them to coordinate with each other fairly effectively (though far from perfectly) even when they meet very rarely. I would suggest the number seven as the likely permanent count of this Innermost Ring, and I shall for convenience call them the Seven Heads. I am not insistent upon this number being correct, or that the number must be absolutely invariant over time -- it is just an educated guess. I think that the Seven Heads provide appropriate intellectual (and almost certainly spiritual) direction to the lower elements of the Syndicate. I shall call the whole collective the Monster. Its efforts would be toward the complete control of the Underworld, and hence by a farther mission, the complete control of the world system that controls the planet.
I suspect that each of the Heads controls his own set of subordinates, each of these Lesser Rings composed of a small number of individuals, probably all male. Again, we may suggest that sacred numbers are used; this might be for reasons of simple custom, or, more likely, to establish certain mystical correspondences. Once again, they are probably bound by oaths to their heads. It would not be certain that all of the members of a Ring would know their colleagues, and it would be very likely that for compartmental and jurisdictional purposes, as well as to promote healthy competition and uncertainty, the members of one of these Lesser Rings would not likely know the status of the members of the other rings. Indeed, it is possible that these men know only the one Head to which they have sworn allegiance. I shall make a further guess that the number in each of these Lesser Rings might be ten, more or less, and we might call them the Seventy Neurons. These Seventy might be rather specialized in their functions and modes, and their similarities might be outweighed by their differences; but I suggest that each of them is quite sensible of the authority of his own Head, and the conceptual boundaries of his jurisdiction (which and operates in a more or less Fearful, or more or less Satisfied, state of Ambition. He may have been told that if he performs well, he may succeed to Headship. He may, at an appropriate time, be introduced to one or more of the other Heads.
If this analog of monstrosity can be followed once more, then each one of the Neurons presides over his own Ganglia, a more free-form control structure that allows adaptation to the private intentions, special circumstances, and functional structures that the Neuron requires.
To give an example of these structures, I would suggest that the Communist Party was controlled by a single Head and his handful of Neurons. Probably the entire government in the Kremlin was one or two Ganglia. Other Neurons and their Ganglia might have existed in Britain, America, Germany, France, China, and so forth. Individuals such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the like would have been members of a Ganglia. Trotsky, perhaps, was a Neuron, but more likely, merely a Ganglion. Marx might have been a Neuron.
This is by no means a complete analysis. It leaves open more questions than it answers, such as:
1. Is there a higher order above the Inner Ring? If there is, what is its nature?
2. What is the identity, nature, mission, personality, longevity, successorship, etc. of any one of the Heads? What are their communications, specific intentions, ways, means, tools, histories, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, incapacities, vulnerabilities, authorities, jurisdictions, and mutual relations, just for a start.
3. Similar questions arise about each of the lower levels, the Neurons, the Ganglions, and their lower hierarchical branches.
4. And, of course, we have not asked fundamental questions about if, or how, they can be defeated, or under what conditions, including where, when, and by whom.
The purpose of this essay was merely to propose a possible organizational topology of the Underworld at three important levels.
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