Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Close Encounters and Close Encounter Scale

       In ufology, a close encounter is an event in which a person witnesses an unidentified flying object. This terminology and the system of classification behind it was started by astronomer and UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek, and was first suggested in his 1972 book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry.[1] He introduced the first three kinds of encounters; more sub-types of close encounters were later added by others, but these additional categories are not universally accepted by UFO researchers, mainly because they depart from the scientific rigor that Hynek aimed to bring to ufology.[2]

 The Hynek Scale of Three Kinds of Encounters

CE1 - First Kind:  Sighting of objects:  A sighting of one or more unidentified flying objects -- flying saucers, odd lights, aerial objects that are not attributable to known human technology.

CE2 - Second Kind: Observation of physical effects:  An observation of a UFO, and associated physical effects from the UFO, including:  heat or radiation, damage to terrain, crop circles, human paralysis (catalepsy), frightened animals, interference with engines or TV or radio reception, lost time.

CE3 - Third Kind:  Observation of "animate beings."  Hynek did not attempt to specify what these "animate beings" might be.

Bloecher Subtypes for CE3.  Proposed by UFO researcher Ted Bloecher.
   A:  An entity is observed only inside the UFO
   B:  An entitty is observed inside and outside the UFO
   C:  An entity is observed near to a UFO, but not going in or out.
   D:  An entity is observed.  No UFOs are seen by the observer, but UFO activity has been reported in the area at about the same time
   E:  An entity is observed.  No UFOs are seen, and no nearby UFO activity is reported.
   F:  No entity or UFOs are observed, but the subject experiences some kind of "intelligent communication."
   Subtypes D, E, and F may be unrelated with the UFO phenomenon.

Extensions of the Hynek Scale

CE4 - Fourth Kind:  Human is abducted by a UFO or its occupants.  Jacques Vallee proposed a broad view of this category, to include "cases when witnesses experienced a transformation of their sense of reality,"  so as to include non-abduction cases where absurd, hallucinatory or dreamlike events are associated with UFO encounters.

CE5 - Fifth Kind:  Bilateral contact events.  Steven M. Greer's CSETI group identified "joint, bilateral contact events produced through the conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative communication with extraterrestrial intelligence.  May or may not be telepathic.  Source may be "extraterrestrial," or simply "otherworldly."

CE6 - Sixth Kind:  UFO incidents that cause direct injury or death.  On Michael Naisbitt's website.

CE7 - Seventh Kind:  Mating with extraterrestrials.  Black Vault Encyclopedia identifies "mating between a human being and extraterrestrial that produces a human-alien hybridisation, usually called a Star Child.

<= Wikipedia, "Close Encounters." December 20, 2011.>

Strange Encounter

       We will identify a Strange Encounter as any encounter which a person can observe or recall in a waking state, in which something remains "strange," that is, it remains in some significant way "incongruous, paradoxical, or contrary to prior experience or natural or physical laws, or impossible to adequate describe or recount."  This would include hallucinations, uncommon or disturbing dreams, encounters with highly unusual persons, events, or places, in which a sense of "strangeness" is present at the time or lingers in memory.

       This description is intentionally broad, in order to cast a wide net to capture as many significant encounters as possible.

       It is intended to compare and contrast with the Close Encounter, which applies primarily to aerial sightings of apparently physical objects and things, possessing material or energetic properties which would allow others to participate in the experience when they are properly located.  See the post on Close Encounters. 

       I hope to refine and improve this descriptive as the process proceeds.
< RH December 20, 2011.>

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Syndicate Considered

It seems that the Underworld has a sort of core, or core structure. As would be the case with any group that is semi-secret, or has something to hide, that core structure is more or less opaque to that which is outside itself, but can still, perhaps, be understood by thoughtful students of human nature. I think that the word Syndicate is appropriate here.

By common usage, the word syndicate refers to a person who is a "delegate of a corporation," or better, a "business partner." But the etymology of the word -- a very old word -- is that of "speaking the same thing," the idea of a close coordination of conscious intent. A coordinated group of men planning and working to the same -- in this case ulterior -- purpose.

Do syndicates exist? Undoubtedly they do. They are variously called corporations, clubs, businesses, unions, lodges -- even religious orders and synagogues and churches. They may be mostly benign, and even beneficial.

But are there syndicates in the Underworld? If the answer is yes, then that syndicate is not benign.

There is at least one real Syndicate in the real Underworld.

That fact will give rise to some interesting questions that must have real answers.

* * *
There is more to be said on the nature of syndicates, but this is a start.
<= RH, December 15, 2011 >

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Underworld Considered

I think that the term "underworld" is suitable for referring to what we face.

In modern parlance, it refers generally to people, institutions, and activities whose involvements vary from the shady, to the criminal, to the unknown. We typically think of gangsters, killers, con men, social parasites, and the like. And that is who I am thinking about.

In earlier times, it referred to a kind of shadow world with aspects beyond the grave, where there might be some comings and goings through the gates of death, supervised perhaps by a dark god or devils. I am also considering that.

  It does not appear to be confined to any location, race, ethnicity, social class, or even religion; although some of these seem to be more susceptible than others. For example, it often seems to prefer urban settings, and perceived centers of power.

  Its relation to mystical experience, or even to dark powers, remains unclear. It is often quite mundane and materialistic, in a practical sort of way.

  Men of intelligence and good will have acknowledged an underworld for thousands of years, and today it retains enough characteristics and similarity with the past that we can be pretty sure that there is some real continuity and substance to the assertion that an actual underworld exists, although parts of it are mysterious and some of it may never be seen. Nevertheless, it has probably operated, continuously, in some places for thousands of years.

  Sages, saints, and statesmen have studied it, pondered it, and dealt with it in various ways. I propose to continue the effort.

  That is the purpose of this website, even while operating under the eyes of watchful dragons.

* * *

Additions to this post may be made from time to time.
<= RH, December 15, 2011.>