AUGUST, 2011.
31. <RH> This site was opened prospectively, with the original post, "Hello World!"
13. <RH> Redesign of website and creation of pages, "Website Welcome," "Open Input," and "Reader Comments." Stub post creation, "The Underworld Considered."15. <RH> Page creation, "Conventional History Time Line," with a basic template. This Page needs much development.
15. <RH> Page creation of this journalizing page, "Site Posting History."
15. <RH> Post update. "The Underworld Considered" was altered from a stub into a brief description.
15. <RH> Post. "The Syndicate Considered."
1?. <RH> Page creation, "Tools."
20. <RH> Post. "Close Encounters and Close Encounter Scale." Based on a Wikipedia link.
20. <RH> Post. "Strange Encounter." Proposed description.
20. <RH> Page creation, "Researchers," with several entries for UFO researchers.
JANUARY, 2012.
06. <RH> Post, "Medieval Unaccountable Corporation Of London Ripe For Protest", with links to an article that appeared in October, 2011, in the online Guardian, UK.08. <BC> Post. "Homeless Protesting Is Surrender -- The Flaw In The Occupy Protests."
09. <RH> Post, "Within The Syndicate -- Organizational Topology At Three Levels,"
09. <RH> Page update. This journalizing page was added to, and the format of entries was improved.
09. <RH> Post, "Rothbard: Origins of Federal Reserve, Part 1."
09. <RH> Post, "Rothbard: Origins of Federal Reserve, Part 2."
09. <RH> Post, "Rothbard: Origins of Federal Reserve, Part 3."
11. <BC> Post, "Be Of Good Cheer, Christ Will Overcome." Information drawn primarily from the book, His Holiness, by Carl Bernstein. Other sources include Peggy Noonan and ....
04. <RH> Post, "C. S. Lewis's Inner Ring And Gary North." Based on a Gary North article "The Crucial Pillar Of The New World Order." Includes a link to the complete text of C. S. Lewis' essay, "The Inner Ring."
04. <RH> Post, "HAARP Investigation." Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory episode. Reference to Dr. Begich, relative of an Alaska senator.
07. <RH> Post, "Wall Street And The Surveillance State." Pam Marten's article in Counterpunch, "Wall Street's Secret Spy Center, Run for the 1% by the NYPD."