Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Underworld Considered

I think that the term "underworld" is suitable for referring to what we face.

In modern parlance, it refers generally to people, institutions, and activities whose involvements vary from the shady, to the criminal, to the unknown. We typically think of gangsters, killers, con men, social parasites, and the like. And that is who I am thinking about.

In earlier times, it referred to a kind of shadow world with aspects beyond the grave, where there might be some comings and goings through the gates of death, supervised perhaps by a dark god or devils. I am also considering that.

  It does not appear to be confined to any location, race, ethnicity, social class, or even religion; although some of these seem to be more susceptible than others. For example, it often seems to prefer urban settings, and perceived centers of power.

  Its relation to mystical experience, or even to dark powers, remains unclear. It is often quite mundane and materialistic, in a practical sort of way.

  Men of intelligence and good will have acknowledged an underworld for thousands of years, and today it retains enough characteristics and similarity with the past that we can be pretty sure that there is some real continuity and substance to the assertion that an actual underworld exists, although parts of it are mysterious and some of it may never be seen. Nevertheless, it has probably operated, continuously, in some places for thousands of years.

  Sages, saints, and statesmen have studied it, pondered it, and dealt with it in various ways. I propose to continue the effort.

  That is the purpose of this website, even while operating under the eyes of watchful dragons.

* * *

Additions to this post may be made from time to time.
<= RH, December 15, 2011.>

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